Iran: A PreCollegiate Handbook

Iran: A PreCollegiate Handbook



Iran: A Precollegiate Handbook 1992 / The Foundation for Iranian Studies / Co-authored with Charlotte Albright / Online

The Iran: A PreCollegiate Handbook is not only intended as a source of information on Iran, but also as a means of intercultural discourse. With Iran–A Precollegiate Handbook, the Foundation for Iranian Studies hopes to bring an example of some of the shared components of the common human heritage to young men and women in the United States.

You can download the handbook online.

Book Endorsement & Praise

“Recommended for unbiased information on Iran. Highly informative and unbiased account of Iranian culture and history. The package is divided into short sub-sections. There are optional activities following each sub-section. Recommended for high school students.” – the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Texas.