Women's Organization of Iran

“In our approach to the unequal status of women in Iran and the ways we developed our strategies, we went from evidential experience to theory–we did not start with a theoretical assumption and try to fit reality to it. Our only presupposition was that the status of women in our country was unequal and that…

Women's Human Rights Movement

“Over the past several decades… We’ve come a long way. And there’s still a long way to go. But with the tools and strategies that we have created together – one woman at a time, one organization at a time – we’re getting there. We know our cause is just. We are committed. We are…

Bold and Creative

“We must be bold and creative, our feet firmly grounded in the realities that surround us, but our gaze aimed at the lofty possibilities that our advancements in science and technology promise and that our growth as a global society is only beginning to comprehend.” – Toward A Compassionate Society

Dilemna of Muslim Women's Human Rights

“The most taxing contradiction [Muslim women] face casts the demands of living in the contemporary world against the requirements of tradition as determined and advanced by the modern Islamist world view. At the center of this conflict is the dilemna of Muslim women’s human rights – whether Muslim women have rights because they are human…