In the News
Mahnaz Afkhami has been featured in the news in print media, social media, and on television and radio.
This is a work in progress and content will be added when it becomes available.
Women Inspiring Women
Mahnaz Afkhami is interviewed by Forbes, where she speaks about women’s rights in Iran and across the Islamic world. The interview covers myriad topics including Iran’s One Million Signatures Campaign, the push to reform family laws, and activism in Iran. “It is impossible to impose an archaic form of government on an aware and connected civil society, so within Iran, change and reform is inevitable.”
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Fate of Iran’s Family Protection Law (in Persian)
In an interview conducted by the Feminist School’s Nooshin Ahmadi-Khorasani, Mahnaz Afkhami delineates Iran’s Family Protection Law – passed in 1967 and amended in 1975. She states that the law drew extensive disagreements from different groups, ranging from traditional clerics to leftists, at the time. Afkhami, however, adds that Iran’s former regime was proud of improving women’s equality while the Islamic Republic establishment takes its legitimacy and acceptability — among its supporters and some regional countries — from moving against women’s equality.
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The United States Stands by Women in Iran (in Persian)
This article, which focuses on Iranian women’s One Million Signature Campaign launched in 2006, quotes Mahnaz Afkhami as saying “this popular campaign at the very least educates people and prepares the ground for a public consensus, and at the very most leads to codifying egalitarian laws for women.”
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VOA Roundtable: Discriminatory Laws against Women in Iran (in Persian)
Following a violent crackdown of women’s peaceful protests in Tehran, VOA Persian aired a program on discriminatory laws against women under the Islamic Republic regime, including a Q and A with callers from all over the world with Mahnaz Afkhami as its guest. Afkhami pointed out that Iranian women had never faced such violence or danger when fighting for their rights in the past 100 years. “What women demand is actually in complete contradiction with the basis on which legislation is currently done in Iran,” she noted.
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An interview with Mahnaz Afkhami on the occasion of International Women’s Day
Mahnaz Afkhami participated in this live show to discuss the significance of the 8th of March as a day of solidarity among women. The audience shared their questions and comments in that regard with Afkhami.
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Betty Friedan, Mahnaz Afkhami and Iran (In Persian)
Following the passing of Betty Friedan, Mahnaz Afkhami reflects upon the activities of this women’s rights activist. She also speaks about Friedan’s visit to Iran in 1974 as well as working with her in the United States.
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