When her term at SIGI was completed in 2000, supported by colleagues and friends, Mahnaz founded a new organization– Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP). WLP’s mission is to help empower women in the Global South, especially Muslim majority countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, as well as Latin America to re-imagine and restructure their lives in the family, community, and society. WLP works in partnership with grassroots women’s organizations to develop culture-friendly, multi-media curricula for women’s empowerment and human rights. In 2001, Mahnaz co-authored Leading to Choices: A Leadership Training Handbook for Women, a manual that has been adapted and translated into Arabic (Maghreby and Shamy), Assamese, French, Hausa, Malay, Meiteilon, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Shona, Spanish, Swahili, Turkish, and Uzbek. It is being used as a tool to bring awareness of individual human rights, the importance of believing in the individual’s capacity to impact his or her environment, and the need to work with others to change life conditions for oneself, one’s family, and community. The manual is being used to help women, including teachers, students, politicians, human rights activists, and health professionals, in over 30 countries learn skills and build capacity for democratic, consensus-based, participatory leadership. In addition to creating learning organizations, WLP works to bring awareness of human rights abuses across the world. It issues alerts, organizes advocacy campaigns, conducts research and seminars, creates learning material on developing a culture of peace, and creates channels for the generation and exchange of knowledge and information across national boundaries in the Global South and among women living in the South and the North. Read on: Work of a Lifetime